Sponsor Licence Compliance Check Support
As a sponsor licence holder, companies must bear the corresponding responsibilities to comply with Home Office regulations. This places a significant workload on the company's human resources team and may lead to an imbalance between managing work visa licenses and strategic human resource needs.
Licence holders are required to adhere to the following regulations:
Supervising employee immigration status to prevent illegal employment, including verifying employees' rights to work legally in the UK.
Maintaining employee contact information.
Keeping records and reporting on employees' work.
Monitoring employee attendance.
Following recruitment procedures outlined by skilled worker visa regulations when hiring.
The Home Office places a high level of trust in sponsors to fulfill their compliance responsibilities, but in recent years, compliance checks by the Home Office have become increasingly frequent. Before approving a sponsor licence application, the Home Office may even conduct visits to your business premises.
The obligations and responsibilities of sponsor licences can change periodically, so if there are any changes in your company's circumstances, it is advised to seek professional advice.
Employers who fail to fulfil their sponsor licence responsibilities may face civil penalties, downgrading of license ratings, or even suspension or revocation of the licence.
Depending on the company's situation, there may be additional qualification requirements and immigration experts can be consulted if necessary.
Importance of Sponsor Licence Compliance Checks
Why 1st Visa?
1/ Extensive Experience in Applications
The Home Office inspections can bring time pressures. Our team has extensive experience in inspection audits and will effectively support your compliance checks.
2/ Handling Complex Applications
From small to multinational organisations, we have experience in conducting visa license inspections for businesses of all sizes. Our skilled worker sponsor licence inspection assistance is handled by professionals familiar with Home Office regulations. We will tailor solutions specifically for your company.
We offer flexible solutions and a range of services related to ensuring compliance with sponsor licensing. Additionally, we can support your internal human resources team or act on your behalf to fulfil compliance responsibilities.
3/ Numerous Successful Cases
Since our establishment, numerous successful cases have endorsed our brand and services. A high success rate, high satisfaction levels, and high recommendation rates have established us as a leading reputation in the industry.